
Stupid people, shopping, and a weekend

People suck. Really. Only here can uneducated people become educators. Geesh. I thought that after the weekend, the folly of my job would be wearing off, but alas, the cynicism and commentary continue. Grr to people who can't read for comprehension. I hate being grouped with other slugs who earned their nickname. Ugh.

In other news, I spent the weekend shopping in Hell. All the longhorns were facing the wrong direction and were painted the wrong color. A friend of mine summed it up right nicely (and I quote) "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell." Amen, brother.

Maybe the location is why shopping didn't raise my flagging spirits as much as usual. I bought a fantastic pair of stilettos, a pair of Roman sandals, and a pair of polka-dotted slides, but I'm still depressed. Damn Texas.

T minus 8 days to Chicago. Maybe a trip to the favored city will be just what the doctor ordered. A trip...and a Dr. Pepper.


Anonymous said...

Only here can uneducated people become educators.

You only say that because you haven't been educated anywhere else. Trust me on this, the old saying is true: those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

yasser said...

i dont about the rent you are gonna get for texas though....