
It's been a while.

It's been quite a while since I scribbled here, but I'm going to try to improve (both regularity and quality). Promise.

Over the past few months, I've been bored out of my skull in my job, but my writing muse apparently took an extended vacay (well deserved after last semester's research and writing projects), and hopefully will be up to the old mischief shortly. While she's making her way back, I'll fill you in on the not-so-fab details of my life between posts.

An in the government sector, I applied for a promotion a couple weeks ago. It's one of those convoluted things that if I would get it, the boss would be like a mini-QB, but if I can handle the real thing, no worries. The position is as a graphic arts person, so I'd be doing fun, creative stuff at work...read: "actually having work to do while attending the job" ... I think it would be a blast. I know I got recommended to the High Goddess, so we'll see where that goes. I love Sir Knight to pieces, but working here is killing me. I need something to do!

LIW is having a preemptive surgery. I must say that if it were me, I'd make sure there was something wrong with me before removing major organs. She was planning to be out for 4-6 weeks. Of course, she has known about this surgery since January (and it's elective), but has, in true LIW fashion, continued to use her leave time to the point that as of today (and not including the leave she accrued and used in July) her balance is 0.33 hours. ... and HOW does she plan to be out 4-6 weeks?!? She did find out when she went in that they could do a laparoscopic surgery rather than cutting her open. I'm sure she's disappointed. It should be closer to 4 rather than 6. Pity.

I made it through the spring semester only by seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I did a massive reading/research project this summer that I turned in last week. From it, my professor offered me a fellowship and wants to restructure our planned survey to complete last spring's research. Whee? I'll finish school in December (thank God!), and do not plan to return to formal schooling for a while. A long while.

In other news, I was appointed to the board of Central Oklahoma Ringers and Directors, which is the governing board for handbells in Oklahoma. Also that week, I was given a scholarship to go to Distinctly Bronze again (the only scholarship in the nation!!!) in October, so I'm excited for all that is handbells.

Other Church Music
I just got back from a church musician's conference in St. Louis. Talk about a strange town! I got there early Sunday morning and walked around downtown all day without seeing ANYONE, not even a homeless person. It kinda creeped me out. Give me a big city with lots o' people and I'm a happy girl. The convocation was an amazing experience, and I have tons of ideas. Look out world.

Life in General
I went to see Chicago on July 3 at the Zoo...the most incredible concert I've EVER seen...in any genre. I was on the front row. Maybe if I get comments really wanting to know I'll tell you my "I acted like a 14-year-old" story...or maybe I'll just chalk it up to seeing my hero live and close up (again, I was on the front row--could have reached out and touched...and I did!) and you can figure it out.

As I think of other happenings, I'll fill you in. This is about all of my life you should be able to handle as of now. ;-)

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