
Plano Balloon Festival

...so I woke up this morning at an OBSCENE hour in order to see all the balloons take off at the balloon festival. It was a nice way to greet the dawn. The launch site was covered in fog, and as several pics show, the haze didn't lift until almost the end.


Click here to see my photo albums


I'm still trying to figure it out.

Why does BSCUN vacuum? Anyone have ideas? Bueller? Bueller?

AAAAAARGH! (once an hour today...we're up to 4-6 times DAILY)

Please, someone! Stop the madness!


Pre-game fun

Before today's (wonderful) game, I went down to the Farmer's Market. I'd heard it was cool...and it was. Here are the photos.


This is more like it.

I'm sure at some point in your life, you've received, read, or given a Gaelic blessing. Most of them are wonderful expressions of peace and goodwill, and lots of people think they look good painted on random things and hung about the house.

For those of you who are more realistic in the ways of blessings, I give you the following, taken from a comment on Crystal's blog. I want to kiss the author of this work of art. Anyone for making a list before we gather around and bless the hell out of the listees???

May bleeding piles distress him,
May corns adorn his feet.
May crabs as big as horseflies crawl on his balls and eat.
And when he's old and feeble and a psychopathic wreck,
May his spine drop through his asshole and break his fucking neck.