
Hell froze over.

Let's go back to yesterday...nothing, nothing, nothing...ah, yes. THE PHONE CALL.

Ze Chief o' Staff himself calls me to ask if I'd like the *ahem* honor of being QB's assistant. Told him I'd think about it. (ha!)

After 15 minutes of intense introspection, I realized that, as a matter of fact, my first instinct was right on the money. Run like hell in the other direction!

So this morning I called Herr CoS back to let him know that I was planning to respectfully decline the promotion due to several reasons...
1. The pay sucks. Though almost no amount of money would be worth me having to spend every waking moment in her presence, I could sell tickets to the ringside seats and make a tidy little profit on the catfights.

2. Sir Knight would be left in the cold since LIW is often nowhere to be found. After this long of writing, I think this should be completely obvious.

3. QB is bitchy.

4. Who needs 4 with the first three?!?

He saw my point of view and decided that considering the circumstances, we'd kill each other or she'd fire me asap. Glad he saw it my way. Life is hard, but it just may be getting better :-)

So, second floor, you're stuck with me. For another while at least.

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