

Grr to the Zoo people or Chicago or Huey Lewis or whoever broke the equipment last night. Why did they have to break the sound equipment, and not the sound guy? He was HORRIBLE!

A lot of people in my esteemed organization are grumbling about having an interminable wait followed by a lousy concert. I'm sorry, but true fans understand that there are good days and bad days for everyone. Even Chicago. ...admittedly this one sucking was probably helped along by some really good drugs backstage during the interminable wait, but maybe they needed it to get through. They are getting older, you know. I must say that if I have the chops to play like Jimmy when I'm his age, I'll be a happy person, even if he was high as a kite last night.

Also, what kind of person can spend time with their best friends at a concert and complain that they had a chance to sit around with nothing better to do than shoot the bull with their best cronies?!? Life is hard folks, and that's probably the best it's going to get. Take advantage of it! Cripes. Gripey complainers. Argh.

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