
So while I'm on the topic...

Excuse me while I hike up my skirt and plant my four inch stilettos firmly in the middle of my soapbox.

I HATE STUPID PEOPLE. This statement is now currently expanded to include pervasive stupidity (not to be confused with ignorance), complete irrationality, and utter bullheadedness without justification. I'm sure there are more adjectives that belong under my umbrella statement of hatred, but these are the ones I will be discussing on this particular hot-as-the-seventh-level-of-hell day.

Let me begin with a diagram for you. In the world of G-Slugs, hierarchy is everything. No loyalties exist between any slugs that aren't part of the same hierarchy. Logic and decision-making (they seem to be mutually exclusive) only exist subservient to the hierarchy. So let me call my level of the hierarchy "scullery maid." The level that comes above me is somewhere around "knight" or "princess" depending on which SM hat I'm wearing at the time. (If I'm wearing the SM of Sir Knight Hat, there does exist a Lady-In-Waiting.) Above Sir/Princess comes Queen Bee. There are levels above queen bee, but although I know they exist, that is a fact to be taken on faith alone.

So SM and Sir Knight have been working with LIW on a training session to be held at the end of June. QB decides that she would like to see said session not happen, so refuses to sign the paperwork. SK asks QB what the problem is, to which QB responds with some completely irrational answer. QB insists that SK, LIW, and SM start from scratch with a different plan of attack.

The next day, SK and LIW are in attendance with QB, who realizes that they have, indeed, come up with a solution to get around her irrationality. So she gets angry to an unholy degree that we have "made this work." Gee. And here I thought that the function of my position within the department was to make things work.

Until I became a SM to QB, I never quite realized that there were supervisors who became livid upon the realization that their underlings had brains, creativity, and a mote of logic. And here I thought that I existed to make her life easier. I'm so dumb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I can always use a scullery maid. Except I don't have a scullery. Which makes my use for a maid to go in the scullery rather moot.

Do you really wear 4" stilletos to work?