

Grr to whoever wrote the really cool template that I totally loved. Grr to whoever provided the website that it was on. Oh well, now we all just get to look at basic black.

So my stomach finally loves me. I had Thai last night with Billy, and this afternoon with Ma. I spent the whole afternoon after Thai until a little bit ago finishing installing a storm door. Just give me a drill and I'm a whole different woman. Not better, just different. I hate building things and I only become "handy" when there's no one around. It's always better to have someone else do something for you. Especially when that something requires power tools. Oh well, the door looks good and closes on its own, so that's all that really matters.

So the bosses and their companions are all out of the office starting on Monday. Hmm... What to do with myself...I think I'll spend the rest of the weekend looking forward to twiddling my thumbs. They sure left me a lot to do. I have to send a fax and do assorted filing. I may possibly be able to work on a document that is to be done quite soon, but more likely, it won't be ready for typing...oh goody. Bash.org, be prepared!

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