
HAH! Mine too!

This is really funny...

...as a fellow blogger quoted (Fatale Abstraction),

Don't be messin' with Rita Moreno.
She's bad.
She's at least two nations wide.


OMG! It gets even better:
I was thinking "damn, Rita is smokin' hot in this video, must've been about 40-ish", so, I poked around tha Intarw3bz and found out she was at or near 50 in this video! She is the only Puerto Rican actress to have won an Oscar, Golden Globe, a Tony and an Emmy-- she's a triple-threat power-house performer. And gosh, isn't it awesome to see a naturally lovely (i.e., unenhanced) rack on a female performer? Alert the media!

Rita Moreno is fierce. Animal knew what he was talking about!

That pretty much says it all, there. :-)

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