
It's so close I can taste it...

I attended my last class EVER last night. Yes, assuming I choose not to do a doctorate, or go to law school, or any of that (and the answer is "maybe in 10 years")...

One more exam to write and email to the prof, and I'm done forever.

It's like being in prison and looking out the front gate on the day before you're supposed to be let out*...

*at least this is what I think it would be like. I have never been imprisoned, so I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this statement. If you can, please let me know. :-)

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Today's my last day of classes...but I have two exams next week, and a take-home exam to finish this weekend...and then another 5 semesters of school left of undergrad. Hah. THEN I get to go to grad school! Whoopee!
