
I finally had time

I enrolled this week in an online photography class. I've always wanted to take classes to make myself a better photographer (as you all know, I like to take pictures!), and I finally found a moment to do it.

It's great! I'll post my "classwork" occasionally for comments and critique...and I really do want critique. Since my mom tells me how good I am, I give you free rein (for this topic only, though!)

If you'd like to see other stuff I've done, cruise my archives. Photos are sprinkled around and about. The following photos are this week's assignments: get to know your camera's capabilities, and take pics while considering the basic tenets...

Go HERE to look at my slide show of today's pictures...then come back here to comment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pictures look ok. I'm not sure what a couple of them were of, because what looked like the featured item was very off center.

Two pictures of a hole, appear to be the same picture, with changed made in the coloring (possibly photoshop or equivalent). IE. Pine cone, etc

With digital cameras, it is a bit hard to take a poorly focused picture. So the mechanics look good.

Without an understanding of what you were intending to photograph, it isn't always easy to understand the picture.