
Looking for love in all the wrong places?

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I don't know a lot of things, but I do know that even in Jersey, you're not going to find yours online. Someone else's, sure, but yours? Nah.

Later showed this post to a friend...

Me: I can't believe this...someone actually google searched "my taint"
Him: How do you know this?
Me: it appeared in my sitemeter
Him: Aaah. Referrer listings. Score.
Him: Was your post useful in defining "My taint"?
Me: I'd sure hope not
Him: If not, you failed a user.
Gotta love friends who are sys admins... :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My taint?

I am willing to bet that there are no pictures of my taint out there. But why is someone looking at your blog for my taint? Is there something you should be telling?