
…remembering threats of goats in days past

So I went over to Crystal's place and found this post…(class 4 beverage alert, btw, as usual)…

I was then encouraged by the devil on my shoulder to waste spend a little time by surfing for gnome catchers online. What I found was this. PRICELESS! The letter posted below is to be sent to any member of the general populace who has the misfortune fabulous decorating taste to play host to a garden gnome:

Letter to Gnome Captor

Gnome Slave Owner,

We deplore your treatment of gentle woodland creatures, and your total disregard for the basic principles of liberty.

Your moral bankruptcy is evidenced by your acts of wanton recklessness and the deliberate use of coercive force and terror tactics against gentle and innocent creatures.

It has come to our attention that a Gnome is being held captive in your garden. We do not, as a rule, negotiate with terrorists, however, we request that he be released immediately. Already your actions have prompted copycat offenses, which we have witnessed, including the deplorable use of a Gnome as a hood ornament.

We understand that you probably were not responsible for the innocent Gnome's original capture but rather purchased him from a Gnome slave trafficker like a garden center or craft show. Please understand that we are not holding you responsible for the state of Gnome slavery in America.

We are, however, asking you to put an end to your involvement. Do the responsible thing; free your Gnome today.

FreetheGnomes.com has specially trained caseworkers who will gladly work with you toward the goal of returning your Gnome to the northern woodlands from where he came. Please contact us today at FreeMe@FreeTheGnomes.com.

Although American law currently permits you to keep a Gnome in slavery, we believe it to be morally reprehensible. We hope that upon honest reflection, you will agree.

Stop Oppressive Gardening. Free the Gnomes.

Thank you,

Your Name Here

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