

You know that cartoon when the rabbit gets alarmed and his ears go straight up and his eyes bug out while the "aaoogah" horn sounds in the background? Insert yours truly for the bunny (my ears/eyes stay put, however), and you have my reaction to the fact that today is WEDNESDAY! Holy cow. The muse of my soapbox has been talking to me all week, but I've been too busy to notice.

I think my next post should be something about the time/space continuum and how I met myself on Friday leaving my house Thursday.

If I get a spare chance today, I'll dust off ye old soapbox and hop myself onto it (with much grace I assure you.)...keep your fingers crossed and your eyes peeled.

(and those avid readers may have noticed the MAYDAY! MAYDAY! post is now a draft, sitting on my computer unpublished...I had an attack of conscience and decided to remove it. If you're terribly interested in my ultimate demise (potentially), email me or comment and I'll see that you get to see the wonders of the g'ment life...)

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