
Hooray for Mary Kay.

I've been spending the last few days typing my fingers to the bone (hence no desire to do further typing on my blog). We have a document that is to be printed in two weeks that we are nowhere close to finished on (about 300 pages long) and guess who is the typist-of-honor for the project? Yup. Yours truly.

In other news, Mary Kay is a great company. Every time the products rock and can't get better, they rock my world and improve upon the best. It's great working for the #1 company in a worldwide industry... :-) (Since this shameless plug should now segue into different matters, see www.marykay.com for more info (you can add /"my name" if you know that too for more personalized information)!!

I have to sell 78 Satin Hands to get stage recognition at Seminar. Wait. I'm not going to Seminar. Oh well, I'll do it anyway just to prove that I'm still the best. (Yes, Dave, I AM the best. I've outsold my whole unit combined for 3 weeks running.) Off to get crackin' on people's cracked and miserable hands. It's nice to know that I can do good for someone else...for a price. ;-)

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