Holy Red Roof Inn Refund, Batman!
For once, the advertiser is spot on...
Who said anything about dieting?
An 800-pound woman. Ugh. And you thought that 800-pound gorilla that was always a monkey on your back was bad.
I’ve been sucked in
Those of you who know me well also know that I am NOT a television watcher. Apparently, for a couple weeks at least, that seemingly has changed. I've been sucked in by the Olympics. I don't know why, or how, since I'm also not an avid non-football sports fan, but it is true. I celebrated every race for Michael Phelps. I watched China dominate in the diving competition. I surfed the net to find the U.S. team's synchronized swimming routine. I cheered for Usain Bolt, I agonized with Nastia over her silver, and I celebrated with May-Traynor and Walsh over their gold.
Maybe it's part of the "new leaf." Maybe Clarinazi: Texas watches t.v.
…or maybe I just have too much time on my hands until my normal life pace picks back up.
Either way, you'll find me at 7:00 p.m. local time cheering for whatever sport is important enough to make prime time.
BSCUN at your service
The only apartment gripe so far: my bat shit crazy upstairs neighbor. I'm not sure what her (his?) problem is, but I wish she'd share.
So far, I've been in the apartment for a full week, and every day, BSCUN has vacuumed. Some days, twice. Or three times. Or today, FOUR times. So far.
Acute uncleanliness?
Neat freak?
…and did I mention that she does laundry every other day? When she's trekking laundry from the bedroom to the laundry room, for some reason, she stomps. She NEVER stomps across the apartment unless she's carrying laundry. Stomping is always punctuated by the washer running.
I miss my townhouse. Next door is nothing like crazies upstairs. … I shouldn't complain. I really do love my apartment. Starting Monday, I won't know that BSCUN vacuums incessantly and washes laundry way too often for someone living alone. I won't be here except to sleep.
In which I am nothing if not persistent
Wellllllll, here's the update:
The following Tuesday, I called the corporate office to see why my refund had not yet been posted. I talked to the COO of Guest Relations, who promised me a refund and a voucher for a free night's stay at any Red Roof Inn. (Oh joy, oh rapture)
I didn't receive my refund within two weeks, so I called the COO on her direct line, and two days later, I was eating my last dinner with GG and received a call from the new temporary manager of the hotel in Plano. He couldn't seem to get the whole story from anyone on the staff there, so he decided to call me to get the scoop. He was adequately astounded by the actions of the crew, and promised me the refund that had yet to appear on my card.
Well, in the meantime, I've gotten a new job, moved, and have mostly settled in. So I decided to give Red Roof another call. I asked for the temp manager, who I found out had gone back to Pittsburg, so I asked for the acting manager. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?
After a slight delay, LaDeana answered the phone. Grrrreat. She then forwarded me to "Scott, a Red Roof manager from Southern Dallas County who is giving me manager lessons." THANK THE GODS AND LITTLE FISHIES! She desperately needs them.
LaDeana said the paperwork had been forwarded but she wasn't sure how long it would take once it hit corporate HQ. Scott admitted that he knew nothing of the problem, but as of July 31, they changed credit processing companies, and my refund may have been backlogged or lost in the shuffle, so if it was in the last couple weeks, I may need to wait a few days...to which I responded that the stay in question was on July 19. He took my information and is going to talk to his friend in accounts payable to see if we can speed the process.
to be continued...hopefully with a refund.
Look out, Big D...I'm here
Send an air conditioner for the great outdoors. And a new phone. Thanks.
In other news, this apartment is awesome...except for the idiots that laid my carpet...and cut my phone lines in the process. Oy vey. These poor people don't know what hit them--yet. Give it a week. They'll know me.
Clarinazi has come to town.
One foot in the grave?
Grandma 1: "Isn't Wilma dead?"
Grandma 2: "Well, her yard looks awful pretty if she is."
Grandma 1: "I think I read that she died."
Grandma 2: "I saw her yesterday. She's not dead."
--a little later--
Grandma 1: "Isn't the tag agent dead? What was her name?"
Grandma 2: "Jo, and no, she isn't dead. I just saw her too. She's dried up, but not dead."
I just can't compete with this.
This shit stinks, people. If you took the concepts pain and hell, cooked them down in to a heavy syrup, injected it in to the ass of a gangrene-infected dead skunk and left that rotting corpse in a port-o-let on a busy construction site in Juarez, Mexico for six months -- it would still smell better than this.