
from the Nether-regions

Hello, again, all. It's amazing how in a city that calls itself the pinnacle of current trends, cosmopolitan fashion, and a crossroads for communication, you can't find a freakin' computer to get online! Argh. So I sit at the public library on a 15-minute express computer typing as fast as I can in order to check all the emails, let you all know that I'm yet alive, etc.

For those who personally have a stake in my life:

Dave--Tomorrow, 6:30 pm. It's a date. And I'm bringin' you leftovers.
Ariel--Tim said that I need to give you a hug. THANK YOU! I'll let you know the decision when I get back.
Co-workers--I died and won't be back to work. Ever. (Don't I wish.)

That said, I'm down to 2 minutes. Better post this...

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