
Here we go again.

Let's see...police, calculus...oh yes. God.

Sis and I went upstairs after dinner to begin work on the next oh-so-fun chapter of math. Just as we start working on the first problem, thunder rumbles in the distance. We fix the calculator, then thunder rumbles not-so-in-the-distance. We pay little attention, and apparently God was feeling neglected, for just as we go to work on the computer, lightning strikes the pool in Sis and Hubby's backyard, thunder crashes, lightning arcs through the open window and into the two of us. We scream like little girls and Hubby comes crashing up the stairs.

He arrives to see Sis butt-up on the floor, me standing petrified, gazing out the window, and the computer monitor flashing in a threatening fashion. The lights blink once, twice, then go off permanently.

At least now I know that God feels the same way about calculus that I do.

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