
A Whole New Life

With this new job, it's like a whole new me. I actually enjoy going to work (so far) and like what I've been doing...it's great! Now my snark is reserved for those who desperately need to be on the receiving end of it. Like the crazy woman who tried to run over my car on the interstate yesterday. She was driving a Tahoe and ended up running over the car in front of her (a Tercel) instead...then, after she mauled that car, she started backing up! Uh, no?!? I started yelling and honking and making a general ruckus about this time, and she landed about a half inch from my front bumper. Had she hit me and I gotten a ticket because I'm in Oklatucky and we have a no-fault law, I'd have come out swinging.

In other news, my Sooners have an off week this week. Woot! Now I can get some serious stuff done around the old homestead. Except for the meeting all day Saturday to wrap up my old job...and the all day Sunday music extravaganza... Alas. Friday will be a veritable marathon of activity preparing for next week (aka WEEK FROM HELL) due to school issues...so strap on, we're going into high gear.

Stick with me. Back to regularly scheduled snark soon.


Anonymous said...

Strap in. Strap on is something else entirely.

Clarinazi said...

hmm...maybe that's what I meant? ;-)

*brain bleach!!!*