

My private message to the creator: What's with the birds already? Why are they evenly spaced on the wire? And why don't they fly past 36th Street?

Last night, I sallied forth from my cave o' calculus-based economics (yes, I'm still working on the exam) to purchase sustenance (read: MEAT!) from wally world. The parking lot of the mall and Wal-Mart were swarmed under by black birds (sorry, ornithology is NOT my forte), and I felt like someone out of Hitchcock's movie dodging divebombing birds. I'm talking not a few birds that seemed to converge, I'm talking every black bird in a four-state region converged. On my way home, I was stopped at a red light and was looking about at the overhead wires that were COVERED in birds...each one evenly-spaced from the others. (What causes that?!?)

Obviously the birds weren't indigenous to Oklahoma: as a new bird would land on the wire, the others would scoot over like little dominoes to make room and to re-align themselves. Had they actually been native to Oklahoma, the incoming birds would have circled indefinitely until one bird looked like it was ready to take off, then five birds would swarm the empty spot while the other birds were oblivious and didn't make room for the new bird. Additionally, native birds would have failed to signal their imminent landing and have squawked self-righteously at the birds who did obey the rules of the skywire.

Another question: why were all the birds east of 36th Street? Is there an invisible bird net that I missed? Seriously! Once I made it past the birds on a wire at 36th and Main, I was home free. Not a bird to be found for miles.

Someone has a sick sense of humor.

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